Florida white

Wing span:

Identification: The wings are creamish-white with dark brown margins. Females have dark brown apex and termenal submargin on the upperside of the forewings, and yellow base on the underside of the forewings.

Variation: Some females have broad dark brown submargins on the upperside all around the forewings excepting the dorsum and at the termen of the hindwings. Additionally, the hindwings of some females is pale yellow on the upperside while the hindwings are creamish-white, and both fore- and hindwings are yellow in others.



Larval food plant: Castela texanaDichapetalum morenoi (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food: Flower nectar of Ageratum

Reported from: Cummings Lodge, Georgetown & La Bonne Intention (Region 4), Blairmont & Lichfield (Region 5), Brotherson, Nigg, Number 63, Number 72, Skeldon & Tain (Region 6), Anundabaru, Fairview, Kaieteur & near Tumatumari (Region 8), Kanuku Mts. & Surama Eco-Lodge (Region 9), Berbice