Statira sulphur

Wing span:

Identification: The wings are bright yellow from mid to base of the forewings and from the base to the outer postdiscal region of the hindwings, and pale yellow elsewhere. This distinction is less apparent on the underside, especially on the hindwings which appear more uniformly yellow. The forewings have dark brown margins at the costa, apex and termen. 




Larval food plantCallichlamys latifoliaMachaerium acuminatumMachaerium salvadorenseSwartzia cubensisXylophragma seemannianum (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food: Flower nectar of Bougainvillea

Reported from: CEIBA Biological Centre & Georgetown (Region 4), Nigg, Number 72, Sandaka, Skeldon & Tain (Region 6), Kartabo (Region 7), Fairview, Iwokrama Mt., Kaieteur & Turtle Mt. (Region 8), Aranaputa Mt., Burro Burro, Kwatamang, Simon and Shock International Logging Inc. concession & Surama Eco-Lodge (Region 9), Yawakuri Savannah