Glaucolaus swallowtail
Wing span:
Identification: The wings are creamish-white with dark brown markings. The forewings have short dark brown bands radiating downward from the costa, and a v-shaped dark brown marking at the apical and termenal submargin and at the subapex. The hindwings are dark brown at the apex and termenal submargin with two rows of creamish-white lunules. The hindwings are scalloped at the termen, have creamish-white fringe and a dark brown tail. There is also a red marking at the dorsum, above the tornus, sandwiched between two dark brown markings. There are two additional dark brown stripes on the underside of the hindwings, running from the red marking at the dorsum to the inner costal margin. Together, these stripes appear like a 'v'. The outer stripe has a thin red border on the outer side.
Larval food plant:
Adult food:
Reported from: CEIBA Biological Centre (Region 4), Fairview (Region 8), Surama Eco-Lodge (Region 9), Berbice, Demerara River