Temesa hairstreak
Wing span:
Identification: The wings of males are bright iridescent blue on the upperside with dark brown margins and submargins, and white fringe. Females are dark brown on the upperside with white margins on the hindwings. The tornus of the hindwings has an orangish-brown patch on the upperside and two tail-like projections near it. The forewings of males have a dark brown spot near the costa (not visible in females). The underside of the wings and body is white. The wings have brown termenal margins and two (dark brown, white and yellow) lines running vertically from the costa. The hindwings have two yellow-crowned black ocelli.
Variation: There is variation in the amount of yellow on the lines on the underside of the wings.
Larval food plant:
Adult food:
Reported from: Kaieteur (Region 8), Annai & Surama Eco-Lodge (Region 9)