Dorantes longtail

Wing span:

Identification: Tailed butterfly with brown wings and light brown fringe. The underside of the wings has greyish-brown parafocal bands. The forewings have a central oblique band consisting of three transparent spots with two transparent spots adjacent to this band, and three smaller subapical spots. The dorsum of the forewings is light brown on the underside. The hindwings are greyish-brown with two faint black bands and a faint black basal spot on the underside.




Larval food plantDesmodium adscendensDesmodium batocaulonDesmodium incanumDesmodium infractumDesmodium nicaraguensis (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food: Flower nectar of Lantana and Ageratum

Reported from: Brotherson, No. 72 Village, Skeldon & Tain (Region 6), Kamaria Falls (Region 7), Rupununi Savannah (Region 9)