Gnetus skipper

Wing span:

Identification: The wings are black with black fringe, except on the hindwings where the fringe is white in between veins. The forewings have a subapical white band, a central white band, and a white band in between the subapical and central bands. There are two iridescent green bands between the central band and base on the upperside of the forewings. There are also iridescent green bands adjacent to the dorsum and termenal margins. The hindwings have two iridescent green bands and an additional iridescent green band near the base on the underside. The dorsum is white on the upperside of the hindwings. The body is dark brown with vertical white lines on the head and thorax, and transverse iridescent green lines on the abdomen. 




Larval food plant:

Adult food:

Reported from: Guyana (specific locality not available)