Fiery skipper

Wing span:

Identification: The wings and body are dark brown on the upperside and light brown on the underside, with light brown fringe. The forewings have a central oblique orange band starting from the subapex and extending parallel with the termen to the dorsum, which is also orange. There is an orange spot on the inner side of this band and the costa is orange. From mid to dorsum is dark brown and from mid to costa is orange on the underside of the forewings, except where the central band and spot are. The hindwings have a central oblique orange band, with the lower part (near the dorsum) ending in a line that extends to the termen. There are patches of dark brown on the light brown underside of the hindwings, appearing as a checkered pattern. 




Larval food plantCynodon dactylon (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food: Flower nectar of Ageratum and Lantana

Reported from: Guyana (specific locality not available)