Veined white-skipper

Wing span:

Identification: The wings are dark brown and white with dark brown and white fringe, and dark brown veins. The forewings are white, except for the costa, apex, subapex, and termenal edge which are dark brown. There are a series of whitish spots along the termenal edge of the forewings, and the fringe is dark brown where the veins are and white in between. The hindwings are white except for the termenal margin which is dark brown. The fringe is also dark brown where the veins are and white in between. The dark brown veins are especially visible on the underside of the hindwings. The costa is dark brown on the underside of the hindwings, and the veins of the dorsum and second cell above the dorsum are especially pronounced. The body is dark brown on the upperside and white on the underside, with two vertical dark brown lines on the abdomen.




Larval food plantPavonia schiedeana, Sida rhombifolia (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food: Flower nectar of Lantana

Reported from: Georgetown & La Bonne Intention (Region 4), Nigg & Tain (Region 6), Rewa Eco-Lodge (Region 9)