Trailside skipper

Wing span:

Identification: This species is sexually dimorphic. Males have dark brown wings with orange fringe. The upperside of the forewings has orange costa and an orange central band that extends from the base to the subapical region and curves upwards to join with the costa. The hindwings have a central orange patch on the upperside. The underside of the wings is yellowish-orange, except the lower base and dorsum of the forewings which is dark brown (extends upwards in the marginal and discal regions). Females have plain brown wings with light brown fringe and no distinctive markings. 




Larval food plant:

Adult food:

Reported from: Parika (Region 3), Demerara (Region 4), Bartica, Kamarang River, Kamaria Falls & Kartabo (Region 7), TropenBos Forest Reserve & Tumatumari (Region 8), Mackenzie (Region 10)