Red-costa metalmark

Wing span:

Identification: This species is sexually dimorphic. Males are black with an iridescent greenish tint on most of the wings, excepting the margins. The hindwings have a broad reddish horizontal band below the costal margin. The underside of the wings is dark brown with no distinctive markings. Females are dark brown with orange markings that appear yellow on the underside. There is also an orange apical band (broader on the forewings). The markings near the costal margin on the upperside of the forewings are yellow instead of orange.




Larval food plantInga densifloraInga oerstedianaInga umbellifera (as reported by Warren et al., 2013 for Nicaragua to Colombia)

Adult food:

Reported from: CEIBA Biological Centre (Region 4), Iwokrama Mt. (Region 8), Kanuku Mts. (Region 9)