Deep-green hairstreak

Wing span:

Identification: The wings of males are iridescent green on the upperside with dark brown margins, except for the dorsal margin of the forewings which is iridescent blue. The forewings have a dark brown spot below the costa. Females are dark brown on the upperside, with no dark brown spot below the costa of the forewings. There are two tail-like projections on the hindwings in both males and females. The underside of the wings is brown; males have a slight iridescent tint on the underside. There are two dark brown lines running vertically from the costa. These lines are visible only on the hindwings of males. The hindwings have an additional inner dark brown postbasal marking. 




Larval food plantConostegia xalapensisMiconia impetiolarisSirin melastomacae (Warren et al., 2013)

Adult food:

Reported from: CEIBA Biological Center (Region 4), Bartica, Kamarang River & Mt. Roraima (Region 7), Kaieteur (Region 8)